Notes as quotes

I've been experimenting with using notes to save quotations from articles and books that are in my library. This got me thinking that wouldn't it be great to be able to insert the quote directly into a Word document, with its citation.

A possible development?
  • You can use the Zotfile plugin to automatically extract highlights from a PDF to a note attached to the item. You could copy the extracted citations and page numbers from here onto your document.
  • Yes, I'm aware of that. My thinking was that if the text of the note was stored in Zotero, why couldn't it be inserted automatically into a document in the same way as a citation is? To insert the citation, I click Zotero (on a Mac), search for the entry in Zotero, and then enter. It would be nice to search for and enter a note as a quote in the same way.
  • edited January 9, 2020
    You could write a "citation style" that outputs the note field. text variable="extra" will do that.

    Don't think it's exactly what you're looking for (Search by quote and insert), but it will still insert them based on the authors/title you search for.
  • Thanks. As you say not quite was I was looking for but I have learned something I didn't know.
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