Where exactly do I edit when I want to add an "Extra Field"?

edited December 30, 2019
Sorry, this question may sound naive, since I am completely new to the file structure of Zotero. I want to add an original publication date to a book. Threads on this forum suggested that I should add it as "Extra Field". But where exactly do I find this "Extra Field"? I am using the standalone which does not have such a field on its GUI. I suppose I need to use code editor, but which file exactly should I open and change? Is it in the folder linked to the entry, or is it something in one of the JavaScripts? Thank you!
  • The Extra field is the last field at the bottom of the item pane. If you aren’t sure, tell me what language you’re Zotero is set to and I can tell you the translation.
  • Thank you so much, bwiernik! I found it based on your direction. Should've looked closer.
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