Error when sync a deleted groupe


zotero tell me that it can not sync a remote group with its local version because it hasn't the rights to. It's normal because I'm a simple user, not the owner of the group. However, I have the same error when I choose to use indifferently the local or the remote version.
So I think to make a copy of the items of the group but when I export the library (right clic on the group or after a selection of items) I get an new error, and the xml file is nearly empty. I don't know where to find this error ?
What I try to do is to copy the library and solve sync problems.

Id: 1414788280

  • Don't use export for this. If there's a problem with syncing, we'll help you with that.

    Can you 1) provide a full description of everything that's happening during the sync, including the exact error messages you're getting (you can x out the group name) and 2) provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for a sync attempt that results in the problem you're experiencing.
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