Re-Link Symlink data storage (attachments)

I had setup up Zotero so the that the Data Storage (attachments) were syncing via a symlink up to OneDrive, which worked well. Now recently I had to reset my PC and setup again Zotero. My data storage was of course local I could use that to setup again Zotero, but not I have also the files on OneDrive which are not symlinked anymore after the PC reset.

I am not sure how I can re-symlink the files to OneDrive again without deleting the files already up loaded. I mean if I delete the now normal folder on OneDrive It will delete the files also on OneDrive, I just can not see how to actually replace a normal folder with a symlink folder.

My Zotero data storage is about 30GB and will only get larger in the future and also in the future I am sure I will need to reset the PC or re-setup up Zotero again.

What makes things probably more worse, is that I have added files to Zotero so that the now local files are not matching the OneDrive files.

Any advice on how to re-symlink the OneDrive folder, or will I have to re-upload everything again to OneDrive?
If I have made a procedural mistake in re-setting up Zotero, can you please advise proper procedure to avoid the problem in the future?

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