Generating a report from a saved search fails with error

Report ID: 1499335906

1. Create a saved search such as Child Note contains "Annotations"
2. Right-click saved search, choose "Generate report from saved search..."
3. An empty window appears
4. The error console says:

[JavaScript Error: "items[itemsHash[parentID]] is undefined" {file: "file:///Applications/" line: 270}]
  • That's working for me. Can you reproduce this if you instead select all items in the middle pane? If so, can you cut down the selection in halves until you find the smallest possible set of items for which this occurs, and then see if there's anything distinctive about those items? (It should only take a small number of steps.)
  • Thanks for the quick reply! :) I just tried to repeat these steps and... it's working for me as well. :/ I've been editing the matching items, so perhaps I happened to remove whatever triggered the issue. Anyway, let's consider it resolved and I'll report back if it happens again, attempting to capture more item detail as you suggest.
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