Cancelling or pausing a refresh

Hi -- On a very long MS-Word document with hundreds of endnotes, does anyone know if it is possible to cancel (or pause) a "refresh," once you have initiated it? Or does Zotero have to process the entire document before you save or close it, if you want to move on to some other task? Or is that even an issue? I.e., does an in-progress "refresh" even need to be cancelled or paused?
  • edited December 9, 2019
    Save the document before you initiate a long operation like that. If you want to stop it, just quit both Zotero and Word and start over. (If you quit Zotero first, you can also save the result from Word, but I'd save as a copy just in case you hadn't already saved, not assuming it won't potentially have some errors introduced.)

    Yes, a cancel button would be nice, but probably technically difficult to implement. Stopping it partway through might have unintended consequences depending on precisely when it occurs. (You might end up with a corrupted citation. That actually might be unlikely, but I personally wouldn't recommend it especially in a long document you've put a lot of work into and wouldn't want to debug cite-by-cite.)
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