Google Books Error

Hi all -

I am having a major issue while searching in Google Scholar and running Zotero connector through Chrome to open a Google Books result (which has been failing for several days now, but I cannot remember this happening before?) .

For an example, I just researched the following terms: aztec eagle feather shield

The first result was a book by Ross Hassig called Aztec Warfare: Imperial Expansion and Political Control. I clicked on the link, and I got the following:

"Zotero automatically redirected your request to through the proxy at (Don’t Proxy This Site/Proxy Settings)

400. That’s an error.
Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request. That’s all we know.

I've been reading about the proxy/connector settings for Zotero, so I "unchecked" the "Enable Proxy Redirection" box in Zotero's Proxy settings. Upon disabling the proxy redirection from Zotero (which makes you start over again), Google Books is working from inside Google Scholar.

Is this a known error? Is there anything I am doing incorrectly here that would allow automatic redirection/proxy for Zotero? Will I have to keep clicking the "don't allow proxy for this site" button repeatedly for Zotero? Does any of this make sense?

Thanks for any help!
  • what's the exact URL you're seeing when you get the 400 error?
    I can use google books links from google scholar just fine through a proxied connection, so it may well be that CUNY has something misspecified.

    The alternative would be to turn off the proxy for google scholar, which you can by removing from this list of proxied sites in the Zotero connector preferences (i.e. right-click on the Save to Zotero icon and select "options")
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