Remove citations

Hello community,

my issue seems to be one that is coming up again and again considering previous questions here:

I am currently working through a document (Libre Office and Zotero Standalone on Ubuntu) and wanted to delete a citation with two authors completely. Deleting one via "Add/edit citation" Enter -> no problem. However, deleting the last one (removing it and then press enter) does not change anything -> citation stays.
I read here before that, you should simply delete it in the text including some safety gap. For me that does not work: it either reappears again when updating the citations or creates a broken document directly or in the course of the time when adding a new citation.

Latest version of Zotero and LibreOffice is installed. Recording changes in document disabled (it was enabled for a time, but no issues occurred all the time (70 pages, more than 100 citations). And disabling it now and accepting all changes did not solve the problem as well.
I can't believe there is no smooth way of deleting citations as this is something that occurs quite often when working on a paper.

Would be very grateful for any help and ideas!

Thank you in advance!
  • You delete a citation by deleting the text fully. That's really all there is to it. If you delete it and it reappears on refresh, it wasn't fully deleted.

    LibreOffice is unfortunately much buggier with regard to field boundaries than Word, so it's easier to leave citations behind accidentally, but assuming you're using ReferenceMarks you can toggle display of the underlying field codes to make sure you're deleting them fully.
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