Sync storage folder

I am trying to find a way to syncronise attachments to my bibliographic entries using nextcloud. For what I read, it should be possible to only sync attachment that are stored in the `storage` folder.
If I look at my zotero installation in linux, I have ~/.zotero/zotero//zotero/storage withing this folder I have folders with random alphanumeric names, one for each entry.
My idea is to:
- sync bib entries through zotero sync
- sync attachments (storage folder) through nextcloud

Would it be safe if I sync this storage folder? Does the name of the subfolders contained in it match between zotero instances?


  • Would it be safe if I sync this storage folder?
    Yes, as long as you don't sync the database above it.
    Does the name of the subfolders contained in it match between zotero instances?

    More info:

    (Also note that if you're using Zotero 5, that's an outdated location for the data directory, and that last 'zotero' folder in the path (containing 'storage') should've been migrated out of the Zotero profile directory and into the home directory as ~/Zotero (capital Z). It's possible that something prevented that from happening automatically, so you might want to make that change yourself. Zotero should automatically switch to the new default location.)
  • Hi dstillman,
    thanks for your reply!

    The version of zotero installed is 5.0.23 (I also have zotero installed in a windows instance). I was looking at the link you provided and it reports that the path for the profile directory in linux for zotero 5 should be `~/.zotero/zotero/`

    Is the change that you mentioned related only to Zotero data and stored files or to the entire profile directory? Do I just have to move ~/.zotero/zotero to ~/Zotero ?

  • edited November 26, 2019
    That's a very old version of Zotero. You should upgrade to the latest version.
    Do I just have to move ~/.zotero/zotero to ~/Zotero ?
    No, absolutely not. It's ~/.zotero/zotero/<profile>/zotero — as I say, the one containing 'storage' — that should be moved to ~/Zotero.
  • Thanks for the further explanation!
    What I did:
    - resolve update issue (I simply changed the ownership of zotero to my user, then it is able to update)
    - updated the software (automatic update)
    - closed zotero and moved `~/.zotero/zotero//zotero` to `~/Zotero`
    - restarted zotero

    > When Zotero runs for the first time after this change, it will notice that the previous data folder for the profile in use is missing but that it found the data in ~/Zotero: you just have to confirm the change

    Now I just need to set up the synchronisation :)
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