HighWire 2.0 pdf downloading problem (and fix)

The HighWire 2.0 translator failed to download the pdf for this url:


looking at the code, this is the line that needs to be fixed:
var pdfurl = newurl.slice(0, newurl.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".full.pdf";

that only works if the url is www.blah.com/blah.html, which is not always the case. If you replace that line with the following, it downloads the pdf just fine:

var dotidx = newurl.lastIndexOf(".");
var slashidx = newurl.lastIndexOf("/");
if(dotidx < slashidx) {
var pdfurl = newurl + ".full.pdf";
} else {
var pdfurl = newurl.slice(0, dotidx) + ".full.pdf";

Please consider modifying the translator along these lines.

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