Apparent user error

I am returning to writing formal papers after a long absence. I was severely marked down on my paper for citation errors. I received this message from my instructor:
If you cannot find a date you place the year you viewed. Or on the web page the last updated on date. This is how I had Zotero cite the reference

(CmhPub_76-5.pdf, n.d., p. 90)

How should I edit this citation to make the correction?

This is how it appeared in my bibliography:

CMH_Pub_90-4-B.pdf. (n.d.). Retrieved from

I was also dinged for this error

(“Vietnam War Campaigns | U.S. Army Center of Military History,” n.d.) the feedback I received was ...."No quotes in reference for APA. "

Why is this an error?
  • edited November 12, 2019
    You are citing the PDF attachment files directly. You need to create proper Zotero items first.

    Right click on the PDFs in Zotero and choose Retrieve Metadata for PDF. Then reinsert the citations.

    In the future, the best way to add items to your library is using the Save to Zotero button from your web browser.
  • @mhusken: And if Retrieve Metadata for PDF doesn't work — which will be the case for non-academic PDFs like the one above — then choose Create Parent Item and enter metadata manually.

    Zotero will only cite the data that's entered for the items you're citing. It can often help you retrieve it, but you still have to make sure all the necessary data is there.
  • @dstillman @bwiernik
    Thank you for the feedback, I will make the adjustments. I hate losing grade points on things I can easily fix.
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