Adding a specific in-text citation page numbers

I am very new to Zotero because our work changed their citation program.
This means I still have many questions, right now, I do not understand how I can achieve the following:
I am using a style I found online [Fachhochschule Kiel - Fachbereich Medien (German)] and made some adjustments to the bibliography and am mostly happy with it.
However, the in-text citations do not work as I want them to:
They are: (Galtung/Ruge 2001: 99)
But I want (Galtung/Ruge, 2001, S. 99)
So, instead of (Author Year: Page), I want (Author, Year, S. Page).

Also, when one has many authors, there is a blank space missing.

Many researchers wrote about this (Entman 1993;Galtung/Ruge 2001).

I cannot figure out how to change these settings, I achieved to change it to (Author, Year: Page) but I am not sure anymore how I did that.

Can someone help me out?
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