Text Transformation Add
I was looking for a way to "correct" title inputs for APA citation style where many things are to have only the first word capitalized (other than proper nouns, journal names, etc.). I came across another users post and wonder, would it be possible to add a text transformation option that reads capitalize first letter only? This may solve a lot of the "glitches" some mention with APA Citation Style. Personally, I have been manually changing my titles, but the text transformation upgrade would be wonderful for this.
Thank you for your time,
Thank you for your time,
That's so funny that you mention that. I was logging on to ask that right now. I am about ready to turn in a big paper tomorrow. I was going to try getting away w/ it, but then realized that I was going to be graded on APA and didn't want to risk it.
Maybe it could also be modified a little bit to what edukenzie was saying. I believe APA also requires you to capitalize something after a semicolon as well. That is something that might be missed w/ edukenzie's request.
ie - "Working online: A Case study".
I am reluctant to change all of these manually because sometimes my field requires APA format and other times it required IEEE format.
Keep up the good work. My boss wants me to do a demo on Zotero for all the other grad students, but I am a little reluctant to do so because I know I may have to end up modifying all of our citations manually. Until then, we might be stuck w/ EndNote. This would be a great addition.
Currently the APA citation style enforces sentence case. So when you go to cite things the transformation happens in the generated citation.