Change sorting of Bibliography

edited October 30, 2019
Hello there!
I am using the style "Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien - Wirtschaftspädagogik (German - Austria)".

The style matches exactly the way I want my citations... with one exception: the bibliography alphabetically lists all authors of offline sources (like books) and then again starts with "a" and lists all online resources (like web-pages).
I don't want this separation, I just want it to be a-z for all sources.

I found tutorials on how to change the sorting for other styles, but I couldn't find a way to change my style the way I want it, because I am not familiar with this language

I think the relevant part is this one:

<macro name="sort_keys">
<if type="article article-journal book chapter paper-conference" match="any">
<if match="any" variable="genre">
<text value="1"/>
<text value="0"/>
<else-if type="report thesis" match="any">
<text value="0"/>
<text value="1"/>

Could please someone give me a tip what I have to change? Thanks in advance!
  • edited October 30, 2019
    For code use this: <code>asdf</code>.

    Try this:

    <macro name="sort_keys">
    <if type="webpage post post-weblog" match="none">
    <text value="0"/>
    <text value="1"/>

    To translate this, it does "if you are NOT a webpage...., then you get value 0 otherwise you get a value of 1".

  • I think what they want is no sort_keys at all, right? You want everything sorted alphabetically? In that case, just delete the line
    <key macro="sort_keys"/> from the style as well as the entire sort_keys macro itself (the latter isn't strictly necessary, but might as well do it right.
  • edited October 30, 2019
    Ah, misread that in my haste. Thanks, adamsmith.
  • Yes @adamsmith is right and I could solve it that way!
    But thanks a lot to both of you!
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