Zotero library

So, I am checking out my Zotero library located at:


Went into "storage" and I believe I found a mess, eg., an inordinate number of .gif s and scripts associated with each stored html document, all collected in an individual folder, totaling an additional 300kb per 70kb html document. I can go in and delete the 300kb material but is there anyway of saving just the sparsely populated html document? Thanks
  • edited July 21, 2009
    I don't think there is.
    You scrape the entire page - which means it will actually work pretty close to how you saw it in your browser - but that means it is going to be a little larger. It would be hard (prob. impossible) for Zotero to tell which parts of the webpage are essential (e.g. if you save a news article with a map, you'd probably want the .gif file. If there's a little interactive js tool on the page, you may want that to work etc.)

    Edit: Btw. this is not a "mess" in the sense that it is what Zotero is supposed to do, so there is nothing wrong with your library.
  • Thanks for the reply. It is definitely what Zotero is supposed to do. For space concerns I will be deleting some of those unnecessary .gif s and scripts, and thanks for the heads up on the map .gif s. Best regards,
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