Citation of a reference twice

Is it possible to cite 2 times the same reference under one number in a word text? I'm using the "European Journal of pediatrics" style.
  • edited October 22, 2019
    That style (just a dependent of springer-basic-brackets.csl) already does that.
    Example in text:
    [1, 2]


    1. Isaacson W (2011) Steve Jobs. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY
    2. Mares I (2001) Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: Hall PA, Soskice D (eds) Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. Oxford University Press, New York, pp 184–213
    3. Campbell JL, Pedersen OK (2007) The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comp Polit Stud 40:307–332.

    See how I cited "1" twice.

    How are you inserting the citations? From the Word Addon via add/edit citations?
  • But how do you do it? I use the add/edit citation tool in word and can't find a way to manage that... Thanks for your help!
  • Did you install the Zotero Word Addon?
    See here in the documentation what it should look like:
  • If this doesn't happen when you use the Zotero Word add-on, see if clicking the "refresh" button helps. There shouldn't be anything you need to do; this happens automatically when you cite the same item multiple times.
  • I have the Zotero word addon. And refreshing doesn't help!
    I use the "add/edit citation" button in word to add the reference (which is still cited as nr 4) a second time: in the bibliography in word the same reference appears two times under nr 4 and 14... I don't know if I explain properly what I do... I need to cite the reference 4 a second time... sorry English is not my mother-tongue neither is informatics!
  • That sounds like it'd be a duplicate in your Zotero library. Try in a new document (feel free to write in French, btw., if that's easier, though we'll respond in English)
  • En effet ça marche dans un nouveau document! Comment régler le problème sur l'original? Merci infiniment!
  • Remove every instance of the [14] citation and replace it, making sure to select the item from under "Cited" in the Word add-on (if you're using the red-framed "quick format" dialog)
  • (3 years later) I fixed this issue by changing the citation format. It seems some formats will let you cite twice with the same number and other formats will have a separate citation number referring back to the initial citation.
  • That'd be "note" vs. "numeric" styles, but in the case above we knew the citation style the whole time, and that one should have produced repeated numbers
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