Export in RIS format: link to PDF file

I'm trying to export my library in RIS format, in order to import it in Papers.
The problem is that Zotero does not put any link to the PDF files in the RIS file. I tried also other formats, but I haven't found any way to get a file with information on the location of the pdf files.
I tried to manually add to the RIS file a line like:
L1 - /Users/user1/file.pdf
and Papers has been able to easily import both the meta data and the pdf file.

Is there any way to do this automatically? Any plugin project?

  • Bump. I'm wondering about the same thing -- is there any way to achieve this?
  • Not yet. The RIS translator will have to be edited to enable this. Motivated individuals could look at the RDF translators for inspiration on how to do this.
  • edited June 2, 2010
    I try to add the L1 line in the RIS output but my knowledge in js is too small to get it with the file path or the filename. I’ m only able to receive the itemID. This is my additional code in the export area of the RIS.js translator file:
    //child attachments
    if(item.attachments) {
    for each(var attachment in item.attachments) {
    addTag("L1", attachment.itemID);}}
    My resulting ris-file contains the line:
    L1 - 8
    (8 is the itemId in my zotero from these file; it corresponds with the itemId in the Zotero rdf output) By the way the rdf translator is not really a help because it creates a new direction for the file and for RIS I think we only need the currently used path.
    Maybe it is completely silly what I have done here but I hope it motivates some knowing people to going further. Thanks
  • A new topic related, to importing:
    Following directions provided by Zotero, I selected the output style "RefMan (RIS) export" under output styles in my Endnote program. I then went to file and export and selected text only and "RefMan (RIS)." However, I don't think endnote is actually saving in RIS format though because when I attempt to import into Zotero, a window announces that "the selected file is not in a supported format." Do you have any further directions on how to make sure my endnote library saves as RIS?
  • Go to http://www.zotero.org/support/kb/importing_records_from_endnote and carefully follow the instructions, specifically about exporting as "Text Only". If you run into additional issues, please start a new thread to work them out-- this topic is about exporting in RIS format, and we try to keep threads on track so that the discussion board stays organized.
  • srivett - this is an unrelated thread - it concerns Zoteros RIS export, not import.
    Find one of the threads that deal with Endnote import and re-post.
    Also, open the exported file with a text editor and post the first item - i.e. until the first ER -
    with your post.
  • edited June 20, 2010
    Now I have a two-step solution for the file path including in the RIS output.
    1. Exporting the references with this complemented code for the L1 line in the RIS output.

    if(item.attachments) {
    for each(var attachment in item.attachments) {
    var string = "storage/"+attachment.key+"/"+attachment.title;
    addTag("L1", string);}}

    2. Replacing the "storage" part of the L1 line in the generated RIS output by the current used storage directory of the library added by file:// in the beginning.
    For example: storage replaced by file:// C:/Users/<User Name>/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/<randomstring>/zotero/storage
    Maybe one can improve this.
  • I'm sure there's a reason, but (for your own private exporter) why can't you replace 'storage' with the path in your code?

    This is great by the way. I'm going to try something similar with the BibTeX exporter.
  • edited June 23, 2010
    Yes of course, you can do it; if you add the code to your personal ris translator it is the best way and it save the second step. So, there is not a special reason, just to keep the code open for an individual path.

    But the better way would be to have a code which will find out the homedirection of your zotero library. But still I don’t know how to do this.

    If you find the solution for the bibtex export in which forum I will find it?
  • edited June 30, 2010

    I am exporting my references from Zotero in RIS. After that I imported them with endnote and the conference title field did not appear. Other fields such as authors or date are there. Is there anything I did not configured properly or is this the normal behaviour?
  • It's normal behavior, though potentially a bug -
    Zotero doesn't export the field "Conference Name" to RIS - I'm not sure if that's because of an oversight or because RIS doesn't have a field for it.

    If you're interested in testing you could export a full Endnote item including a conference title to RIS, open the RIS file with a text editor (notepad, TextEdit) and see if it's in there - and what the two capital letters in front of it are.
  • I tried and you can see below the result (note that the conference field and others were added by hand in end note). Zotero does export the conference name as JF but it seems this is not recognised by End Note that uses the letters T2 for it.

    RIS format exported by Zotero
    TY - CONF
    ID - 148
    T1 - The MAC unreliability problem in IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor networks
    JF - Proceedings of the 12th ACM international conference on Modeling, analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems
    CY - Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
    M3 - 10.1145/1641804.1641839
    A1 - Anastasi,Giuseppe
    A1 - Conti,Marco
    A1 - Francesco,Mario Di
    PB - ACM
    PY - 2009///
    N2 - In recent years...
    KW - energy efficiency
    KW - ieee 802.15.4
    KW - MAC protocol
    KW - reliability
    KW - scalability
    KW - sensor networks
    SP - 196
    EP - 203
    SN - 978-1-60558-616-8
    UR - http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1641839
    ER -

    RIS format exported by EndNote
    TY - CONF
    AB - In recent years, ...
    AU - Anastasi, Giuseppe
    AU - Conti, Marco
    AU - Francesco, Mario Di
    CY - Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
    DA - 2009
    KW - energy efficiency
    ieee 802.15.4
    MAC protocol
    sensor networks
    PB - ACM
    PY - 2009
    SN - 978-1-60558-616-8
    SP - 196-203
    ST - The MAC unreliability problem in IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor networks
    T2 - 12th ACM international conference on Modeling, analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems
    TI - The MAC unreliability problem in IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor networks
    UR - http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1641839
    ID - 103
  • OK - there seems to be considerable disagreement on what to do with the title of a conference in RIS:
    Zotero puts it into the periodical field (JF)
    Endnote puts it into the secondary title field (T2)
    The RIS specifications over at RefMan put it into the serial field (T3)

    Also, note that Zotero currently only exports either the conference name or the proceedings title, not both (thus the confusion above - it gives precedence to the proceedings title).

    I think since Zotero treats conference proceedings like book chapters in citations (at least as a fallback), it should do so during output and adopt the Endnote approach of putting the Conference (or Proceedings) Title into T2 - thoughts?
  • Rodo1983: I'd say it's unlikely that this will be implemented rapidly - I'd recommend you export all of your conference items separately and then do search&replace in a text editor before moving them to Endnote.
  • IEEEXplore puts it into both JO and T2

    It seems to me that T2 is the best place for proceedings titles (bibutils put it in 'BT', which is equivalent): conferences are not periodicals.

    Perhaps the conference name can go into T3 (though I admit this is a somewhat crude workaround to the limitations of RIS)?
  • OK - that should be an easy fix, no?

    Btw. - someone over at the Endnote forum wrote a modifed endnote import filter for Rodo so he's fine - Rodo - if you happen to still have the URL of those posts, could you post it here?
  • There's no direct access to the file location or path unless the exporter explicitly tells Zotero to export the files. This can be done by adding

    Zotero.addOption("exportFileData", false);

    at the appropriate location. Zotero then copies all the attachments to a new directory, then sets attachment.path to the exported attachment path. You can see this in the bibtex discussion below:


    With the specific patches


    and further modifications here

  • Is it possible to get the Zotero datadirectory as a path with in a translator. May by calling the function "getZoteroDirectory" ?
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