Missing citations

Mac OS 10.5, Word 2008, Zotero 2b, all most recent versions

I'm having trouble replacing citations which Zotero things are missing from the database. I have a very large document and Zotero things that practically every citation is missing from the database.

"Not a problem," I think, I'll just go through and replace them using the [less broken] replace system on the Word 2008 plugin. However, after a good hour of so of going through replacing citations, I get told that the plugin has reached its maximum recursion depth. Boooo. Ok, I'll just carry on from where I left off. No. Turns out that it's not replacing the citations as I go along, and all the changes that I thought I'd done haven't actually been implemented.

ARGHHHHHH. I tried again, just doing a few changes, then pressing 'Cancel', but again, that doesn't save the changes. This is not intelligent code writing. I should be able to break from the process without canceling everything that I've done! This is a *serious* inconvenience. It renders Zotero completely useless in this document. I can't add new citations, because the first thing Zotero does is check existing citations!

PLEEEEASE can someone look at this. Surely it can't be that hard!!!

  • as a quick fix - how about splitting the document in a couple of parts and replacing references in each of them?
    As for the larger issue... *shrug shoulders*
    There seems to be an increasing amount of this missing citation thing going on (at least if judging by forum posts) - does the dev team know what's happening here? This seems troublesome.
  • Mat: Have you always used the document with your current Zotero database, or did you use it previously with a different copy of your database? Have you used export/import to transfer these references between databases (which currently breaks existing links in documents)?

    If not, and you can't think of any reason why those citations should be missing, you can upload your database to the DB Repair Tool and send us the Upload ID and either the document or an excerpt of it (ideally from before any recent citation replacements were made) to support@zot....org, and we'll take a look. You can ignore the download links the repair tool provides.
  • Cheers for the quick responses guys. I did have problems with the database, and went through replacing many of the items. As such, I imagine that it's fair enough for Zotero to consider them missing. I don't mind that so much as the fact that the replace function is so broken :(

    Adam, I'd considered that approach. Inelegant as it is, I might have little choice...
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