How Is Zotero Used In Other Organisations??

edited October 9, 2019
We're a non profit and want to use Zotero mainly as in internal tool to gather an array of literature and content. We are a forum and therefore are a reference source for many businesses and it's very important for us to collect relevant research, literature etc.

We want to use Zotero to keep a detailed and organised filing system of sorts for our research/ literature, but also we may want to share some of the content externally with members of the forum. This would be easiest if we could just share a link with them, but I'm under the impression from reading through the discussions that this isn't an option. Is there another way without having our members become Zotero users themselves?

If there are any other organisations out there who could share their experience of using Zotero/ how you use it and implement it in your company that would be great.

Thanks so much!

  • We have the bulk of the research literature that we work with in my group in a public, closed membership group.
    This enables us to store and share files _internally_, and allows other people to browse our library: They can then follow the URL or DOI to any resources they have access to.
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