Problems with Display Chicago Manual of style in german


I‘m using Zotero 2.0b6.3 with Firefox 3.5.1 and NeoOffice 3.0 patch 5 on a Mac with Mac OS 10.5.7. I use „Chicago Manual of style (Note with bibliography)” in german language.

I‘ve got 2 Problems with the display of the citation and the bibliography.

1. In the foornote the comma is in the wrong place, when the title of the document is in quotation marks:

143 Heyse, “Strategien – Kompetenzanforderungen – Potentialanalysen,” 25.

And it should be:

Heyse, “Strategien – Kompetenzanforderungen – Potentialanalysen”, 25.

2. The second problem is in the bibliography. When the quoted book has an edition entry the bibliography entry shows a „undefined” after the Number of the edition. Example:

Bortz, Jürgen, und Nicola Döring. Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler. 4undefined Aufl. Berlin: Springer, 2006.

How can I solve these problems? Thanks a lot for your help!

Gruesse, Pablo
  • 1. This seems to be tricky, because it is correct for the English version, where the comma always goes inside. I think the best option would be if this could be done with a locale switch but not idea how to do this. This seems pretty hard coded into csl - maybe Bruce, Frank, or Ezra have an idea.

    2. I can't reproduce this.
    What it does for me, though, which isn't right either, is to say
    "Bortz, Jürgen, und Nicola Döring. Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler. 4th Aufl. Berlin: Springer, 2006."
    Which Firefox are you using? Maybe a Swiss or an Austrian version?
    Can you try what happens if you change the hidden local option to de-DE ?

    But the problem is clear - ordinal numbers aren't translated properly by the German locale (this should just read 4. Aufl. in German, equally for all numbers). The translation is done through Babelzilla, I've posted on the forum thread relating to Zotero there, maybe they will be able to help.
  • Hi,

    thanks for your reply.

    1. Honestly I'm not too shure about the comma, but I've never seen it before. It looks strange to me, especially when there's a question mark at the end of the title. Perhaps the Chicago manual of style is just not matching. We're a small university and pretty free to use what style we want. The CMOS just seemed to came close to what I'm used to. Perhaps I correct it by hand, perhaps I just leave like it is. Since it is a official style, it should be ok.

    „this should just read 4. Aufl. in German, equally for all numbers"

    2. Sometimes it's modified like „4. aktualisierte Aufl." or „3. erweiterte Aufl." The best would be, to do nothing more than a „.” at the end of the string in the bibliography entry.

    I tried the „de” locale, did not change anything. I'm using the german Firefox anyway.

    Gruesse, Pablo
  • edited July 19, 2009
    1. no, you're right - those are just different standards for German and English: In German the comma always goes outside, in English it (pretty much?) always goes inside. So the style is correct in English, but incorrect in German.

    2. Right, I think "erweiterte auflage" etc. would be hard to do (and I belienve usually not required by citation styles), so I agree this should just be 3., 4. etc. Unfortunately, until this is fixed, I don't really have any good advice for you. I think I would not put anything in the Edition/Aufl. field and add it by hand in the document until this is fixed. I have never had anything to do with language issues so I can't tell you if this is something likely to happen soon or not.

    Edit: as an alternative (_very_ provisional) option you could write the Auflage as part of the Publisher - in the item itself. But that only works if you only work in German and only in Chicago Style. I'm not saying this is a solution of any kind, I'm just thinking about ways to make this workable until a real solution comes about.
  • Thanks for your comments and your advice.

    Gruesse, Pablo
  • Hi everyone,
    I'm the German translator for Zotero. Your two problems are not an issue of the translation of the extension but of the bibliographic style. These are two separate matters. The solution would be to create a separate "Chicaco-german" CSL style that takes into account the German rules. AFAIK CSL does not support multiple language styles in the sense that comma rules or similar are changed according to a user's language prefs.

    So there are two solutions:
    -switch to a citation style that works with German. I don't really remember which ones do work but a forum search might help)
    -copy and modify the Chicago style file in accordance to your wishes. Since the changes are somewhat minor that shouldn't be too hard if you have a basic understanding of CSL/XML.

  • Okay, I just remembered a discussion about a related issue (date formats) from a while ago:

    So with the CSL people there is awareness of the problem and maybe there will be a fundamental solution at some point but it's better not to hold your breath.
  • @Harald: Thanks for the input.
    I understand why this is the case for problem number 1 - but why is this true for problem number 2? Is the treatment of ordinal numbers not part of the translation file?

    If so, that's really quite unfortunate, because they are very much in English, so this would be an issue in any language...

    @CSL knowledgeables - is there any way to fix this? I wouldn't even know how to get the comma out of the quotation marks, let alone deal with the ordinal suffix.
  • Ah, OK - I understand now. I still think the ordinal thing is wrong and should be fixed, but there is an easy way around.
    I'll try to do this and prepare the style for upload at some later point, but to fix the Aufl. thing, what you want to do is to find in the csl
    this passage:
    <if is-numeric="edition">
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
    <text term="edition" form="short" suffix="."/>

    and change it to this:
    <if is-numeric="edition">
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <number variable="edition" suffix="."/>
    <text term="edition" form="short" suffix="."/>

    If someone would now have advice on how to fix the comma thing we'd have ourselves a Chicago Style German
  • Adam, I initially misunderstood problem 2. And something weird seems to be going, since you weren't able to reproduce Pablo's result and I'm not able to reproduce your result. This is what I get when creating a bibliography in the respective style:

    Winner, Langdon. “Do Artefacts Have Politics?.” In The Social Shaping of Technology, herausgegeben von Donald MacKenzie und Judy Wajcman, 28-40. 2. Aufl. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press, 1999.

    So the edition is correct, the punctuation isn't. The only explanation I have for the different results is different versions of the style. Unfortunately, the style file doesn't contain version or date information. (If the file metadata is to be trusted: my CSL file [chicago-fullnote-bibliography.csl] was created 2009-02-24, modified 2009-04-27). Maybe both of you should try re-installing the latest version of the CSL file and report on the results.

    WRT punctuation: As you can see in the above example, even the English style doesn't get it quite right (title ending in question mark produces additional period). Maybe someone can contact the style's authors and ask them for a fix. Once that has been done it shouldn't be too difficult -- even for me with my sucky knowledge of CSL -- to create a German version.

  • edited July 19, 2009
    My chicago-fullnote-bibliography.csl is created and modified on 27. April 2009. Maybe you want do run a diff against yours:

    Gruesse, Pablo
  • Okay, I ran a diff and the files are identical. So in principle I don't see any reason why the edition thing isn't working for you. I'm a bit out of ideas. One rather wild guess: something's wrong with the NeoOffice plugin. You could test this by creating a bibliography from inside Zotero (right-click on item > Literaturverzeichnis aus dem ausgewählten Artikel erstellen) and see if it produces the same result.
  • For what it's worth: My OpenOffice-Plugin (OOo 3.1, latest plugin version, on Windows Vista) produces correct edition results.
  • edited July 20, 2009
    It's the same when I create a bibliography inside Zotero:

    Bortz, Jürgen, und Nicola Döring. Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler. 4undefined Aufl. Berlin: Springer, 2006.

    It's obviously not a NeoOffice plugin problem. I'll check with another user, importing the database from a file.

    EDIT: Checked it with a second user account, new Firebird Settings, new Zotero Installation with the database imported. Same „undefined”-string. Already had the problem before using FF 3.5.

    EDIT2: Did the same on a Windows XP virtual machine. Is my database corrupted?

    Gruesse, Pablo
  • palmann, HobbesvsBoyle,

    Just a thought: are you both running Firefox with exactly the same locale settings? I ask because this looks like the CSL processor is missing a locale string (or empty locale string) that should go at that location, and the processor locale file is (I've heard) controlled by the Firefox locale settings.
  • extensions.zotero.export.bibliographyLocale;de

    Gruesse, Pablo
  • Pablo (palmann),
    My question about the locale settings might have been a mis-cue. I had forgotten that Zotero currently derives its ordinal strings from elsewhere. I'm afraid that I don't remember clearly what the ultimate source of the strings was, but there is at least a possibility that the difference in operating systems (Mac OS 10.5.7 vs. Windows Vista) may also be an issue.

    I'm a Linux user myself, so at this point I should probably bow out of this conversation before my interjections become a cause of confusion.
  • The bash setting is the LANG environment variable (in Mac OS X, but I've got the same problem with Windows XP, as I stated before):

    Gruesse, Pablo
  • just as a note - in my case what Frank said clarifies what's been happening. I have a US Firefox and just switched the locale to German - i.e. if Zotero takes the ordinal command from another place it's clear why I would still get the English one (which I would still consider a bug...)
    Frank - any idea on how to get the comma out of the quotation marks?
  • The comma positioning can't be controlled in the version of CSL implemented in current Zotero. It's on the TODO list for the new processor, and the necessary change to CSL (including provision for defining options as well as strings in the locale) has been pretty much settled. So there's no immediate solution, but this will definitely be solved in due course.
  • edited July 20, 2009
    OK - so it's clear that there is no need for a separate Chicago-German style - the current one is as good as it gets with current csl processor.
    Palmann - before you spend to much time trying to fix the ordinals, I suggest you implement the quick fix to the CS I describe above.
    Here is a quick description on how to change a .csl and put it back into Zotero:
  • Ok, the undefined-Problem is solved for me, it works now. Thanks a lot.

    Gruesse, Pablo
  • @Pablo: That's good to hear.
    @Adam: Which language version of FF you have installed doesn't matter. Strings like ed./hrsg. etc. are taken from the language specific files that are controlled by the user agent locale setting. No matter which FF version you have installed. With very recent citation styles that use fields that have been defined only in the most recent version of Zotero, the "undefined" problem could indeed arise as there is no German localization for Zotero yet. But this apparently wasn't the issue here.
    @fbennett: Thanks for the info.
  • edited July 21, 2009
    @Harald: ed/hrsg. works fine for me. The one thing that is strange is the ordinal numbers (which continue to be 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. even after switching to de-DE) and I think there Frank's comment that their formatting isn't part of the locale setting clarifies why that is. And I think ideally they should be.
  • @Adam: I'm pretty sure ordinal number formatting is localized (Frank commented on the comma issue). Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to produce correct results (see above) on my en-US version of FF. Have you confirmed that you're using the same versions of FF/Zotero/citation style as Pablo and me?
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