Page range in citations

I am building a custom style on Chicago and my last detail to have it complete is adding a page range that displays the pages in journal articles and book sections in citations. It looks like I already have this in the bibliography which is great but in the citations I need at the end of the citation for example:

pp 184-192, here p 188.

That is. pages containing the article, the text "here " and then the page or pages actually cited.

  • Chicago style is quite complex, so you'll need to do some digging to understand how this currently work in the style, but the basics are
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <label variable="page" form="short">
    <text variable="page"/>
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <text value="here"/>
    <label variable="locator" form="short"/>
    <text variable="locator"/>
  • Thanks - is this located in the citation section or somewhere in a macro?
  • It's in a macro, I think citation-locator something?
  • Perfect!

    I changed the "point-locators" macro and wrote:

    <macro name="point-locators">
    <text macro="pages"/>
    <if variable="page">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <label variable="page" form="short"/>
    <text variable="page"/>
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <text value="here"/>
    <label variable="locator" form="short"/>
    <text variable="locator"/>
    <label variable="locator" form="short" suffix=" "/>
    <text variable="locator"/>

    and it looks exactly the way I need. So far I do not see any problems with this.

    Thanks a lot!
  • Thank you both! Really helpful! I've been wondering about this, too.
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