MSSE: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise - more style problems

After revisions made to Zotero in Dec. 2017, I now see another problem. This time it is for the E-Journal example. From author guidelines (sans italics):

Vickers AJ. Time course of muscle soreness following different types of exercise. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders [Internet]. 2001 [cited 2001 May 31];2(5). Available from: doi:10.1186/1471-2474-2-5.

However, Zotero has a couple of problems:

[Internet] is being placed after article title (like for web pages), not after the journal title.

It is forgetting to place a period after volume(issue).

This then results in available not capitalized as it should be.

Could someone please make these corrections? I have some exercise science grad students and faculty who need this fixed ASAP for their theses.

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