Error Code 1411662571

Red circle and white exclamation in upper right hand zotero, 'value' cannot be longer than 20000 characters error reported. With this error code.
  • Have you added a very large number of feeds?
  • Yes, quite some time ago. I'm not sure how many, but I transferred one of my feed readers over to zotero. I can bring it down pretty easily if that is all it is.
  • edited September 20, 2019
    Yeah, that's what it is. There obviously shouldn't really be a limit, but we haven't gotten around to addressing that yet.
  • I've deleted well over half of my feeds, but now I'm beginning to get to the ones that I do follow regularly. Is there a way to determine how many characters I have overall in my feeds? (I know it hasn't updated the feeds in the sense that I have under advanced options the following chosen, update feed every 24 hours, remove read feed items after 1 day, and remove unread items after 60 days....and several have been read for quite some months.)
  • Can you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for a sync attempt that gives this error?
  • Actually, I've just raised the limit a little bit. Try now.
  • That worked! Thank you!!!!!!
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