Tag selection not working

edited September 23, 2019
As a member of a private group i am unable to use the tag system. I see them, and when i hover over them they turn blue, but it doesn't actually let me select them. So i cannot select files based on the tags. Why?
  • edited September 19, 2019
    (Please note the forum guidelines and avoid using all-caps or putting things like "URGENT" in the thread title. I've removed that.)

    Have you tried simply restarting Zotero? Does this happen in the library root, or are you in another view? Can you provide a Report ID?
  • edited September 20, 2019
    @dstillman Here is the Report ID: 2144811772

    I did restart the app and nothing happened. This problem seems to only be happening on the desktop app. When i access the library through the website, the tags work.
  • This is now fixed in the latest Zotero beta, and the fix will be included in 5.0.75 soon.
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