Word/(OpenOffice) plugin plans?
Are there any plans to extend the flexibility of the Word plugin? I'm thinking of things like the variety of in-text citation types in APA. At the moment, for example, in-texts are inserted as (Author, Year), with no equivalent of BibTex's \citeA, \citeNP, etc. It seems they can be manually edited into different formats, but I don't know what happens then on updates (not being a regular Word user).
Secondly, is a similar plugin in the works for OpenOffice?
Secondly, is a similar plugin in the works for OpenOffice?
Mail me at pt at ptsefton.com if you'd like to check it out. Don't want to distribute it too widely if the Zotero folks aren't interested in doing it our way.
second: what i'd really like to see is a better zotero/oowriter connection. unfortunately the ooffice bibliography tool isn't what it should be. so perfect would be a drag'n'drop from zotero right into oowriter docs (thereby inserting data into the oo-database). second best would be if zotero and ooffice could directly share the same database so no import/export would be required.
last but not least: a good search tool for the zotero forums because i cant exclude all the above has already been said.
Zotero's data model is richer than the biblio database in OO.o. Since OO.o plans improvements, it probably isn't worth changing Zotero to suit a poor model which has planned improvements.
Also: There is an unofficial macro that can be used by both MS Word and OO.o and lets citations roundtrip between the two programs.
Some of this is talked about in the sticky (and other posts can be found by searching for "openoffice" or "oo.o", etc.).
I believe you can copy/paste or drag/drop to a word processor. One limitation is that you must then do the cross-referencing in the document manually.
Firt with Word. work perfectly (even if i'd need others citation format), and i have now more than 100 pages with quite 100 references... using zotero and the macro for Word.
So... all was ok !
Unfortunatley my word document growing with figures and tables becames more and more unstable... And i had to adapt format to the standard of my university... The result was not usable (for my knowledge of Word... ? )
After a short test with OpenOffice, the result was amazing... all problems solved, format very stable, some specific format requirments easy to do...
After a short look on OO solution for OpenOffice using a python script described in previous post, i've decided to change for OO formating the whole document.
But after a week of different tests and all available help read on oo and zotero forums... I'm not able to use the python script... (with my knowledge of python ! )
1/ Could you give more information on using the Word Macro with OO ?
2 /and can we plan that a new OO-Zotero solution could be available before end of 07 ?
thanks a lot for all zotero authors !
i dont know much of programming and even less about databases but shouldn't it be possible to write an oo-interface to the zotero db. if their datamodel is superior couldn't it be used by just mapping the old oo fields to the zotero fields?
maybe i'm a little naive on this but i'm just about to write my thesis and to have zotero work with oo would be of great help.
oo-2.1 works great, thanks
Zotero infact should help in downloading a subset of references required for an article and assist in integrating them to OpenOffice.org writer.
As for OOo, hang tight: coming soon.
Anyways, I am excited to see the openoffice integration.
Keep up the great work!
Ugh, never mind, I'm an idiot. When in doubt, double-click and see what happens. Now I can play with OpenOffice and Zotero together.