[Change request] Creat new author line on pressing tab in Info tab

edited August 23, 2019
I'd like to suggest a change to how Zotero behaves when filling in details for an entry in the Info tab.

# Current behaviour

When author details are filled in via the keyboard, the tab key - when pressed in the first name field - will jump to and activate the Abstract field. This is cumbersome when filling in more than one author, as users have to switch between keyboard and mouse all the time to create a new Author line.

# Suggest behaviour

When author details are filled in via the keyboard, the tab key - when pressed in the first name field - will create a new line of the same type as the row above (Author, Contributor, Editor, Reviewed Author, Translator), and jump to and activate the last names field, so that the user can keep typing author (etc.) names rather than having to manually add a new Author line.

Alternatively, this behaviour could be handled by another key combination (CTRL + PLUS (+)?).
  • Shift + Enter is the keyboard shortcut for adding a creator while typing the previous one.
  • Great! And note to myself: RTFM!
  • Honestly, feel free to ask questions, even if they seem simple. Easier to get a quick answer here than reading through the whole documentation if you don’t know where to look.
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