Optimizing Google Docs and Zotero


Long-time Zotero fan here. Naturally super excited that working with Google Docs is now an option.

Myself and some of my teammates are running into a few similar issues:
- inserting citations in GDocs is pretty slow (3 secs to load the citation bar, then once the reference is selected, another 3 seconds for the text to insert. This can be up to 15 seconds for some of our users.)
- cutting and pasting text from one section to another causes the whole document to refresh (5-10 seconds in a short doc, longer in a long doc). I've tried unchecking the "Automatically update citations" box in the Document Preferences, but it didn't change.

Generally, we are using Chrome, and our documents are in the 3000-15,000 word range.

Is this normal? Any way to speed it up? Is this a Zotero limitation or a GDocs limitation?

Thanks all!
  • edited August 15, 2019
    (Disregard that other person's question — Google Docs only works with the app, so it wasn't relevant to your question.)

    Unfortunately Google Docs can be pretty slow, so this may very well be normal, but if you can provide a Debug ID from Zotero for an operation that's slow, @adomasven can take a look.

    You can also compare in a new Google Doc to see how much the size of the doc is affecting it.
    cutting and pasting text from one section to another causes the whole document to refresh
    For technical reasons, Zotero needs to process the document when copying/pasting citations to prevent Google Docs from stripping the citation link.
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