How to synchronize between 2 computers with google drive without need for links etc

I recently switched to Zotero since EndNote is too expensive and Mendeley wasn't cutting it for me (it's OK but Zotero is much better IMHO; also I prefer an NGO that Elsevier, who for me is a type of Facebook of scientific publishing).

I have dropbox, and the use of symlinks was just too involved, and I didn't like the workarounds with zotlink. Basically these solutions added too many steps in between and during use. I just wanted something simple that works seamlessly without me having to intervene, that just keeps my home desktop and work laptop synchronized. After some experimentation, I found the way! All you need is google drive, and as long as your attached library is less than the 15 GB that come free, you're set to go. Even if you don't use gmail/google drive, you can just create a google account just for Zotero zyncing.

The way to make it work is like this:
1) zotero base directory should be outside any sync folder, as is explained clearly in the zotero documentation and forums. The zotero "STORAGE" (sub)folder though, which only houses the attachments and pdfs etc, is another story.

2) Install google drive in both computers you want to keep synced, and set its base directory to the "storage" folder inside zotero. That's it! zotero itself will keep the database updated and synced between all your accounts, and google drive will keep the attached files folder synced. It works perfectly!

3) If you still use google drive for other purposes, you can just create a subfolder inside zotero's "storage" sub-folder with your stuff. As long as all together take less than 15 GB, you're good to go. I created a subfolder called "google drive files" and that's where I keep my own stuff, and zotero doesn't mind a bit.

Good luck,

  • edited August 7, 2019
    If you still use google drive for other purposes, you can just create a subfolder inside zotero's "storage" sub-folder with your stuff.
    Don't do this. The data directory is considered internal storage, and Zotero may freely delete folders in 'storage' that don't match up with attachments in the database. (It doesn't do this now, but it might in the future.)

    You can link the 'storage' folder into a cloud storage folder. You should not put other folders into 'storage'.
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