Bug sort by date doesn't correctly sort "Undated"
Report ID 687859492
To reproduce, in a library with items that have blank dates (ie, no data was entered for the date) and "Undated" as the date for other items, display and sort by the date column. The blanks and "Undated" items will sort to the bottom but the two values will be (seemingly randomly) intermingled rather than sorted in any particular order.
To reproduce, in a library with items that have blank dates (ie, no data was entered for the date) and "Undated" as the date for other items, display and sort by the date column. The blanks and "Undated" items will sort to the bottom but the two values will be (seemingly randomly) intermingled rather than sorted in any particular order.
We could consider sorting unparsed Date values alphabetically, but that's just not the current behavior.