Issues with mass-export on the Cochrane library

I know there has been another discussion on the topic in 2018, but there was no real answer about the mass-exporting problem on the Cochrane Library website and it's still going on. You can only export articles one by one, which is okay when you have only few but more complicated when you have more than 500. Is there another way to mass-export data from the Cochrane Library? That would be much useful to finish my review.
Thank you very much!
  • Can you give a URL for a set of search results you are trying to export?
    I'm trying to export the 545 trials.

    I have the same issue, when I do the search while logged in with my university account.
  • edited August 8, 2019
    Okay, the best approach with Cochrane is to use its built-in export options. From the search results page, click the Select All button, then click Export Selected Citations(s) link next to it. Then, select any of the RIS or BibTeX options and click the Download button and save the file. In Zotero, click File → Import and selected the downloaded file.

    Cochrane doesn't expose any of the individual item metadata from its search results page, so Zotero would have to essentially follow these steps itself, which would be prone to breaking when Cochrane updates its page layout and might run afoul of Cochrane's anti-bot rate limiting.
  • Thank you very much, it worked perfectly!
    However, it didn't on Modzilla, but took no time at all on Chrome.
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