Save to Zotero not working with Chrome

1. When doing a search, get results
2. click on "Save to Zotero" icon (which appears as folder icon to indicate multiple options of search).
3. see listing of results with checkbox to left of each.
4. select one (doesn't matter) and click ok
Result: See "An error occurred while saving this item" with link to

I've gone through all steps in this guide including updating Chrome, Zotero, the Zotero Connector and restarting both Zotero standalone and Chrome.

7. Save to Zotero works fine if on a page representing a single reference (e.g., rather than a search results list of references (e.g.,,48&q=as+we+may+think&btnG=)
8. Save to Zotero works fine in FireFox
  • Seems unlikely for several reasons.
    1. all works fine -- through Google Scholar -- from FireFox.
    2. the problem with Chrome and Zotero has been there for several days now i.e., not just in one session.
    3. and my use to import references into Zotero has been modest -- no more than 20 total.

    Also, a rather curious error message from Zotero Connector.
    Problem is coincident with my upgrade of Zotero....
  • No, it really is almost certainly that. The throttling would generally be browser-specific.

    If you provide a Debug ID from the connector for a save attempt we can say for sure, but it’ll likely show 403 errors from Google Scholar.
  • 1467236247
    is what I get when I click on "Submit Report"

    is what I get when I click on "Submit Debug Report"

    Nowhere do I see "Submit to Zotero Server."
    as documented in
  • Right, so you're getting 403 (Forbidden) errors from Google. That's the throttling.
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