How to enter contact information for unpublished work

Perhaps the Extra field could be used for information such as:
"report available upon request from" or phone number or address, whatever is available. How would I enter this into the manual ref entry?
  • Assuming you're using the "manuscript" item type, the "type" field is convenient for adding additional details as needed. You can specify for example "Unpublished manuscript", but you can also add information like where it is located or how to obtain it if needed.
  • If it's just for your reference, I would say to add this as a Note to the item. If you want it cited, a good place for that would depend on the citation style you use. What style do you typically use?
  • Type would be a report. Style depends on the journal that this citation/reference will be published in.
  • Putting the information in the “Report type” field for Report should work.
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