Editing APA in visual editor: a delimiter's puzzle.

edited July 18, 2019
I'm editing APA to fit some specific publisher requests. I'm absolutely coding-illiterate so my solutions are hand held and probably laughable. But they work - except for one persistent problem.

Long story short: to go from (Peters, Peters, et al., 2019, p. 1) to (Peters, Peters et al. 2019, p. 1) - that is, removing some delimiters and keeping others in the inline citations, I've

- removed any delimiter including space from Inline citations -> Layout -> Group (and removed delimiters in connection with et al.)
- instead added "; " (including space) as a delimiter between entries/groups at Inline -> Layout (which retains the space between entries/groups: Peters 2019; Rogers 2019) as well as ", " between "Name" (which retains comma between Peters, Jenkins & Rogers 2019)
- and added "," as a prefix at Citation Locator -> Group. (which retains the comma at 2019, p.)

It works fine - except for more publications from the same author in a citation. Here the space after the ";" delimiter (added at Inline -> Layout) vanishes. It stays even if you suppress author names from two different authors (which you wouldn't): Peters, Rogers (2019; 2019), but with one author it is rendered (Peters 2011;2014;2019), that is, without space.

I can't seem to find the 'rule' or editing space that determines this specific situation. So the problem can perhaps be stated more simply:

Where does one edit the inline citations layout for multiple publications from the same author in a citation?

(I'm aware that some of the layout features are found in the Chicago style, but most of the requested layout including bibliography is based on APA)
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