Scan ISBN with Iphone

I´m scaning ISBN with the camara of my phone and using ShortCut app on Iphone. When I save my book, it is saved on My Library (because the option are only groups), but I want it to be saved in a collection, until now, I couldn´t.
Does anyone know how I suppose to save a scanned ISBN in a collection?
  • Sorry, it's not currently possible to save to a collection via the shortcut.

    You would, however, be able to find the new item in the Unfiled Items collection when you're back at your computer. You can sort by Date Added in the middle pane to make it easier to find new items.)

    We've also considered making it possible to assign a particular tag to items added via the shortcut, which would also make it easy to find and fix up back at your computer.
  • edited July 18, 2019
    Thanks for your useful and quickly response!
    What I did was to create groups instead of collections, it is not what I first wanted, but it function! After I get the ISBN with my camera, I chose in what group I want my book will be saved.
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