Recup data from internet backup

I have erased the documents stored in zotero on a computer that was still synchronized with someone else's account. I would like to know if there is a way to recup the documents through an internet backup or if I have erased them forever.
  • If the previous account was synced, then yes, you would just need to set up syncing with that account. You can log into that account here and look at the online library to see what's there.
  • Thank you for the answer. I have already checked the online library of the account still synchronized and it contains, of course, all the documents as I have modified them from the application on the computer, not realising that it was still synced. So well, I would like to know if there is a way to recup or find the historic of the files. Where are zotero data stored? If the online account is synced to the application in two different computers, is that possible that I have irreversibely erased all the data from one of the two computers?
    Moreover, in the storage of zotero, in the computer I am using, i have find a file that is called "removed files", is there a way that I can restore something from it?
    Thank you very much for your kind help, I hope I've been enough clear.
  • Oh, sorry, I thought you were referring to something else — when you switch accounts Zotero prompts you to delete the local data directory for the old account.

    If you’re saying you just deleted someone’s library, does that include emptying the trash?
  • yes, that is the problem...
  • First, you should immediately make a backup of the Zotero data directory on the computer where you made the deletions and any synced computers.

    If there’s still a synced computer on which Zotero hasn’t yet been opened since the deletion, it’d be possible to restore from that by disabling the internet connection, opening Zotero there, disabling auto-sync, re-enabling the connection, and overwriting the online library from the Sync -> Reset pane of the preferences.

    Otherwise you would need to restore from a backup of the data directory first. You could try one of the last automatic backups, as described on the linked page, though that won’t include attachment files. But it’d be better than nothing.
  • yes, the previous account was synced, so there are exactly the main documents that I have insert from the computer. Thus, all the previous files are erased also in the online account. I wonder where the previous files were stored. I have tryed with the storage of zotero on the computer and there is a file called removed-files: is that possible to restore it? Otherwise, Is there a way to find the historic of files in the online account? Thank you very much for your kind help.
  • edited July 17, 2019
    You'll need to try one of the things I suggest above. There's no other history.
  • Thank you very much, I have managed to solve the problem with the zotero data storage backup from the other computer.
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