How to modify Zotero directory in order to install update

I am trying to install an update for Zotero but get the following message: "A recommended update is available but you don't have permission to install it. To update automatically, modify the Zotero program directory to be writeable by your user account."

How do I "modify the Zotero program directory to be writeable by your user account"? I'm running Zotero on a PC with Windows 10.

  • Is this your personal computer or a work computer? If a work computer, you should ask your informations systems tech support for help. If the problem is with your own machine, someone with more experience with Win 10 will need to answer.
  • In Program Files on your PC, you need to right click on the Zotero folder, and press Properties. Then go to security, and Edit. The admin of your computer needs to grant access for users to modify the information in the folder.

    Once that has been done, Zotero will be able to update when you check for updates.

    Here is a general guide i found online (not specific for Zotero):
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