I cant seem to see the zotero window in word

i followed the instructions and read a lot of forums about the same problem but nothing ever seems to work. i already tried to re-install it, its my seventh time now, still not working. i restarted my laptop but to no avail. it seems that i am missing Zotero.dotm its not in the folders i downloaded so i tried to find it online but found nothing. also when i go to the Word Processors and click “Install Word for Windows Add-in” a window appears that my ms word is open (even though its not) and restart zotero (which i did) and its like an endless cycle. i really need zotero please send help.
  • it seems that i am missing Zotero.dotm its not in the folders i downloaded
    What do you mean by that, exactly? Where exactly are you checking?
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