Byte Order marks / ÿþ / 
Love Zotero and Zotfile. Hopefully this is a quick question. When I export a note, there are what I believe to be unicode items in. For example, an exported annotation from a PDF file (using Zotfile) appears as so:
ÿþWhat they are talking about here is the way the organization organizes the self of the individual& FCAT (and all it represents) becomes the norm for students raised on high-stakes tests&
This is related to identity in this work in that through the reflective and critical distance involved in identity creation, the individual can carve out space to act independently or in resistance to dominant regimes.
Please note the "ÿþ" at the beginning and the "&"s in place of periods. Is there a way I can remove these automatically? I searched the forums for "BOM"/ÿþ, etc but found no answers.
Love Zotero and Zotfile. Hopefully this is a quick question. When I export a note, there are what I believe to be unicode items in. For example, an exported annotation from a PDF file (using Zotfile) appears as so:
ÿþWhat they are talking about here is the way the organization organizes the self of the individual& FCAT (and all it represents) becomes the norm for students raised on high-stakes tests&
This is related to identity in this work in that through the reflective and critical distance involved in identity creation, the individual can carve out space to act independently or in resistance to dominant regimes.
Please note the "ÿþ" at the beginning and the "&"s in place of periods. Is there a way I can remove these automatically? I searched the forums for "BOM"/ÿþ, etc but found no answers.
<div class="note" style="background-color: azure;">
<p class="text">ÿþWhat they are talking about here is the way the organization organizes the self of the individual& FCAT (and all it represents) becomes the norm for students raised on high-stakes tests& <br /><br />This is related to identity in this work in that through the reflective and critical distance involved in identity creation, the individual can carve out space to act independently or in resistance to dominant regimes.</p>
<p class="source" style="text-align: right;"><a href="zotero://open-pdf/library/items/QXFEAJK7?page=11">Anderson and Cohen 2015:95</a></p>
I think the ... (elipses) is rendered weird (tests&) by either Preview or by Zotero.
We'll be taking over ZotFile's annotation extraction in a future version, so if you'd be willing to make a copy of that PDF, cut it down to the page this is from, and email it to with a link to this thread, we can make sure we support this properly down the line.