How Widely Used is Zotero?

--->I need a measure of Zotero use<----

to justify NIH adding it to the list of
reference management software in the NCBI Help Manual on PubMed Help.

Right now PubMed Help only lists EndNote and the others owned by T-R. I suggested adding Zotero.

The reply I got said that they only update the documentation for the "most widely used" products.
Here is the part from the PubMed Help that I'd like changed. It is so much easier to export citations into Zotero.

"Exporting citations into a reference management program

Reference management software includes programs such as EndNote, Reference Manager, and ProCite. Questions regarding these commercial software packages should be directed to the respective companies.

* 1

In your search results, use the citation check boxes to select citations. To export all the citations do not select any citations.
* 2

From the Display menu, select MEDLINE.
* 3

From the Send to menu, select File.
* 4

Import this file to your reference management program.
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