bibliography style | Last_Author Year (First_Author) Journal - Title

edited July 6, 2019
Hi Everyone,

For long bibliographies it makes sense for us to organise bibliographies by Last Author ('s lastname) in the first position, since it organises thematically related citations (from single labs in natural sciences) in blocks. It's also how we rename our PDFs for better placement in local folders.

Tsien 1998 (Zlokarnik) Science - Quantitation of Transcription and Clonal Selection of Single Living Cells
Tsien 2002 (Adams) J. Am. Chem. Soc. - New Biarsenical Ligands and Tetracysteine Motifs for Protein Labeling in Vitro and in Vivo: Synthesis and Biological Applications

It took me a while to have both Last_Author and First_Author in a single bibliography style without any ellipses [...] or "et al." which would be messy in folder systems, and I didn't find it elsewhere, so here's how I did it: hope it's useful.

Thank you Zotero & Z-Community!

<macro name="author-first">
<names variable="author">
<name form="short" and="text" delimiter-precedes-et-al="always" delimiter="_error_"/>
<macro name="author-last">
<names variable="author">
<name form="short" et-al-min="2" et-al-use-first="1" et-al-use-last="true" />

<bibliography et-al-min="1" et-al-use-first="1" et-al-use-last="true">
<layout suffix="">
<text macro="author-last" names-use-last="1" suffix=" "/>
<text macro="issued" suffix=" "/>
<text macro="author-first" prefix="(" suffix=") "/>
<text variable="container-title" form="short" suffix=" - "/>
<text macro="title"/>

(Delimiter used to spit out "error" if something goes wrong.)
  • edited July 6, 2019
    To post code on the forum, wrap it in <code> </code> tags.

    That said, a style like this that is only for personal use wouldn’t be accepted in the Zotero Style Repository. You can feel free to host in on the Internet yourself in case others find it useful (I host several styles I work with on GitHub at
  • Thanks bwiernik.
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