How to recover collections after backup


I am writing to ask how to recover collections.

For a problem in my computer, I reinstalled windows, and I saved all files in “Zotero” folder for backup.
After reinstalling, I restored the backup files in Zotero folder in the new windows.
However, when I synced desktop Zotero to server Zotero, almost of collections (and its sub-collections) were disappeared.
(All items remained as unfiled items.)
Fortunately, as I have backup files still, I removed all items from server Zotero and repeated the above action to recover collections.
(I thought server Zotero would be changed according to desktop Zotero.)
But still when I sync Zotero, this problem happened again.
I want to recover the collections because I made them painstakingly.
Please let me know how to resolve this problem.


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