Journal Abbreviations

Hello zotero community,

I use the Zotero-Firefox-Addon to import my zitations into zotero. Everything works fine.
When I export my zotero-bibliography to a BibLaTeX-file and want to use the abbreviated Journal titles, some of the Journals are now the Abbreviation, some are not.
E.g. the "Journal of the Americal Chemical Society" is now "J. Am. Chem. Soc." Perfect.
But "Chemical Communications" isn't "Chem. Comm." or "Angewandte Chemie International Edition" isn't "Angew. Chem. Int. Ed." Do I have to change all the journal names manually?
Is there any way to fix this?

Thanks for the help.
  • Install the BetterBibTeX (BBT) plugin (which you want to do generally if you are using Zotero with BibTeX). Then, in the BBT tab of Zotero preferences, you can set an option to automatically abbreviate the journal titles (enabled by default).
  • edited July 1, 2019
    Thanks a lot! The abbreviation works.

    I have another problem now. Sadly I didn't know what kind of "key" BBT wanted to create, so I assumed I never have used a key and let BBT create a new one.

    Formerly the name of my citations were:
    now it is

    The cite-key is:

    What to enter that (in the best case) my citation is just like it was before or just a little bit shorter?

    edit: i have read something about the cite-key:
    I refreshed all my citations with this.
    Now Zotero shows: "zitation-key:" and shows the old key.
    But when I export my .bib-document, the name of the citation is still wrong ...
  • The "key" is the citation label you are used to using to refer to the item in your LaTeX document.

    For your previous format, do this pattern:

    The underscores will be printed literally. The shorttitle syntax follows these rules: shorttitleN_M: The first N (default: 3) words of the title, apply capitalization to first M (default: 0) of those

    After you change your key pattern, select all of the items in your library, right-click, and choose BetterBibTeX -> Refresh BibTeX Key

    You can see the key set for an item at the top of the item pane.

    You can also specify a specific key for an item that doesn't follow the pattern by adding this to Extra:
    Citation key: TheCustomItemKey

  • Thank you very much.

    I did a stupid mistake: I only refreshed one of my sub-folders and not all of my bibliography.

    Everything now works fine.

    Great! Thank you so much.
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