Choice of folder to cite from when inserting citation in Word

Can you choose which folder Zotero searches in? Just if I have lots of references and I type in "2000" but that comes up with all my references in every folder from 2000, but I happen to know that the one I want is from 2000 in a specific folder, is there a way to set which folder Zotero looks at? So that "2000" will yield only the references in that folder?
  • You can click the Z icon to the left of the text box and open the classic citation dialog, which lets you browse collections. We're planning to bring some form of collection browsing to the default citation dialog in a future update.
  • I'll use that then, wonderful, thank you!
  • There seems to be an easy solution to this (in my mind), by default it should only search in the selected/active folder in Zotero.
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