Bibliography does not sort correctly for entries (books) with multiple editors

Your help with the following issue would be appreciated:
Bibliography entries where a complete edited volume is referenced, e.g. 'Hernes, T./Maitlis, S. (Ed.) (2012): Process ...', are placed at the end of the bibliography rather than being inserted in the alphabetically correct order. Journal articles, books, and parts of books are fine.
Am I overlooking something simple?
  • Which style?
  • The style is 'DIN 1505' (author, date - German)
  • Yeah, the style does that wrong -- it's a bit of a mess overall, though, so I'm not super motivated to try to fix it -- how tied are you to using it?
  • Hi, thanks for checking so quickly!
    Unfortunately I have to use this style (or something that is very close to it in terms of how the bibliography is shown). I actually looked through a lot of other styles but could not find one that was close enough for what I needed.
    Any ideas what I could do?
  • What specifically is this for? Do you have a link to the requirements you have to follow?

    FWIW, DIN 1505-2 is technically no longer valid and has been replaced by DIN ISO 690 (see )
  • Unfortunately this is for the bibliography of a PhD thesis - no online version of the style requirements available but they are quite specific re. handling of number of authors, when to use et al. and so on. Which is why switching is not so easy.
  • Do you have a physical copy of these requirements written out?
  • Yes, I have - it is in German, thus probably not lot of help.
    Would it make sense to provide it to you?
  • Absolutely, yes. If you could scan/take pictures of the key pages & post them somewhere we can look at, that'd definitely help.
  • Thanks a lot for the offered help.
    At the following link I placed a pdf with the guideline for citation style and bibliography - it's not 100% the DIN 1505-2 style but quite close (I used the 1502 style in Zotero and made some minor adjustments to align with the department's requirements)
  • Ich würde empfehlen hiermit anzufangen:

    Wenn ich das richtig sehe, müssten vor allem die Autor_innen angepasst werden, was sehr schnell geht und der Stil ist ansonsten in sehr viel besserem Zustand.
  • Many thanks/ vielen Dank! I will check it out.
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