working with Zotero and MS Word 2003

I have not previous experience with Zotero. I would get the Zotero Word Processor Plugin for MS Word 2003 and I am not able to find the link. It is better the Zotero Standalone 4.0 to work with MS Word 2003 than Zotero 5.0 for Windows ?
Thanks a lot.
  • No, you should not use Zotero 4 (it can no longer sync and is no longer supported). Zotero requires a minimum of Word 2010 (see Word 2003 hasn't been supported by Microsoft in many years; I recommend you update to a more current version of Word.
  • Thanks bwiernik for your advice, but people used Zotero with MS Word 2003 in the past. Why there is no way to still using Zotero with MS Word 2003 if Zotero is an open-source software ?
  • It wasn’t possible to continue to support older versions of Word while adding support for modern versions of Word. There have been many changes and improvements to the Zotero Word integration in the past few years. Many of these weren’t possible while continuing to support Word 2003 or 2007. The number of users using these nearly two decade old versions of Word is very small, and the speed improvements immense.
  • You can technically download any old version of Zotero, but not just are they not supported anymore, they
    1) Don't sync anymore as bwiernik says
    2) Don't receive any updated translators anymore, so that import regularly breaks and most importantly
    3) Don't include critical security updates

    All old versions are available from the same download schema, e.g.
    for the latest 4.0 version (not sure if that runs with Word 2003) but this really is a bad idea. If upgrading Word is not an option, run LibreOffice.
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