American Medical Association Style & zoterobib

In zoterobib, I have noticed that article titles are not converted to sentence case when I use the American Medical Association style. I know I can easily edit them, but I'm just curious why it isn't converting to sentence case. Thank you!
  • zbib prompts for this in APA style. Not sure what it should do with slightly less common -- but still common -- styles like Vancouver or AMA, but it's certainly conceivable it could so something similar.
  • edited June 28, 2019
    It's technically a warning, not a prompt — if you select APA as the style, it will convert titles of added items to sentence case automatically, as best as can be automated. We can do this for any other styles where it'd be helpful.

    (And the warning, to be clear, is because you may need to correct proper nouns, which is why it can't be a fully automatic process.)
  • I think doing this for the following ids would be great and cover a lot of the most common styles.

    These should be "APA style" sentence case, i.e. capitalize subtitles. Moreover, title case is applied to monograph titles by the style and that obviously shouldn't be overridden.


    These use what I think of as "UK style" sentence case, i.e. subtitles are not capitalized unless they follow ? or !
  • Also

    Should follow APA style for titling (sentence case, uppercase subtitles)
  • I believe these all work now. We're converting these all to sentence case in the same way, and for the APA-style ones we're passing the new citeproc-js flag that capitalizes subtitles.
  • Is that the same for the Zotero client as well as ZoteroBib?
  • I've enabled subtitle capitalization for AMA and Academy of Management in the latest client beta. (Obviously we don't have any sort of automated subtitle conversion there.)
  • Thank you so much! I'm getting ready to promote Zotero and ZoteroBib to students this fall.
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