Export to TEI: order of entries

Hello all,

I've encountered a problem when exporting references from Zotero into TEI.

I order my references in Zotero by date of publication. I want to maintain that order when I export the references into TEI. However, during export, the order is scrambled; I've looked closely at the sequence and cannot understand in what order (if any) Zotero is sorting the references (not author surname, not xml:id, not title...). Of course, I can cut and paste and put the bibliography back into chronological order, but with a long bibliography that can be a very time-consuming process.

Has anyone else encountered this problem - and if so, is there a solution? I'd be very grateful to hear!

Many thanks, and best wishes,


  • Is TEI sensitive to the order of entries? That seems odd for an XML format.
    I'm not sure if it's possible at all, but it's certainly not easy to impose a sort order on export formats in Zotero.
  • It seems a little odd for a bibliography format, but XML nodes are ordered -- entities who read the XML are of course free to ignore the order, but it's there. I'm not sure whether attributes are ordered, but nodes are for sure.
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