Writing Mendeley highlights and notes to PDFs

I am trying to import my Mendeley library into Zotero. I've followed instructions on https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/mendeley_import for writing PDF highlights and annotations directly to the PDFs before import. The third-party extension Menextract2pdf doesn't work, nor do the various code fixes people have suggested on the script's GitHub site.

I am not a programmer but really need to get my library into Zotero. Mendeley quit working with LibreOffice and I'm in the middle of my dissertation. Any help or suggestions?
  • I'd guess you're more likely to get help on the github tracker of the tool, but in both cases, "doesn't work" isn't enough for anyone to figure out _what_ isn't working. As a minimum, we'd need to know what command you're running on which system and what error(s) you're getting.
  • Thanks, I'll give details on the github tracker.
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