Modifying the "Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note)"

I'm using this style in my thesis.
The first time a source is cited, it presents the foot note as follows:

Herbert Niehr, “שפט,” in TDOT, ed. G. Johannes Botterweck, Helmer Ringgren, and Heinz-Josef Fabry, trans. David E. Green, vol. 15 (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2001), 411–30.

The second time as follows:

Niehr, “TDOT 15,” 2001.

but what I want is

Niehr, TDOT 15, 411-30.

Please can anyone tell me how to achieve it.
  • You'd want to add chapter to this
    <else-if type="patent interview" match="any">
    <text variable="title" form="short"/>

    so type="chapter patent interview"

    The date part is a bit more complex -- the basics are that you need to change the date-disambiguate macro to print page ranges instead of the date for chapters.
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