Uploading files & copyright - noting changes.

I would like to upload OOo extensions and proposed changes to the Word templates so that files can round trip between OOo and Word.

Unfortunately when I try to attach a file to:
I get a permission denied message.

The files are based on Zotero_a2.dot and have a description of the changes. I could append a diff of the files if that is preferred.
  • Ian: Thanks for your work on this.

    File upload permissions problem on Trac should be fixed. Let me know if not.

    The Word plugin code is now separated into a few separate files in the integration directory. You'll find core.vb, windows.vb, and mac.vb, along with the two .dot files. The platform-specific versions contain only the ZoteroRPC function—everything else is in core.vb.

    Diffs against the .vb files would probably be the most helpful, though some reorganization may be necessary depending on your changes. Note that someone else in the community, John McCaskey, has been working on some major updates to the Word plugin, and we should be receiving those changes in a day or two, so there may be some work involved in merging the two diffs.
  • Working on merging John McCaskey's work with mine.
    I get around the need for separate files by using compiler directives (#if ...), thus in one file can handle Word for Mac, Word for Windows, OOo for X11, NeoOffice, and OOo for non Mac platforms.

    The number of changes now would make Diffs, in my opinion, more frustrating than a documented list of conceptual changes.
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